Daily Routine

Parents/carers need to sign their children in (the clipboard is in the foyer).
Children need to hang up coats and bags and find their name labels in their trays.
Parents/carers are welcome to come and settle their children in the hall.

9.00am – 9.40am – Free play inside

9.45am – 10.00am – Circle time (Welcome song and theme related discussion/activity)

10.00am onwards – Free play
The Pre-school is set up with ‘free-flow’ activities for the children to take part in. Children will have access to indoor and outdoor activities, where experiences will be planned by the children’s spontaneous free-play.

10.30am – 11.00am – Snack time
Parents/carers are asked to provide a healthy snack for their child to put in the communal snack box, this will be shared amongst all children at snack time.  We always provide toast and butter, along with milk and water to drink.  The children are encouraged to pour milk and water for themselves.  They are also encouraged to clear away their plates and cups.

Children are free to come to the snack table when they want to and have their snack without interrupting their play.  We will always ensure that the children have washed their hands before having a snack.  The children are encouraged to chat about what they have been doing during the session, or about family and home life.

11.00am – Focused activities and key person group time.

12.10pm – Circle time for stories, songs and rhymes.

12.30pm – 1.30pm – Lunch time and quiet activities.
Parents/carers are asked to provide a healthy lunch for their child in a labelled lunch box with a labelled water bottle.
Small round foods like grapes, strawberries and cherry tomatoes must be cut lengthways and into quarters.
Large fruits like melon, and hard fruit or vegetables like raw apple and carrot must be cut into slices instead of small chunks.

Afternoon session to 3.00pm – Inside and outside play.